• Amazon offers Yarrdee 10 Foot Swing Hanging Strap Kit For Trees for $26.99 $22.09.
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  • ✔ ONLY THE BEST MATERIALS FOR YOUR FAMILY: This 10 foot strap is made of industrial grade nylon and is able to last through the harshest winters and hottest summers without showing signs of wear & tear. The carabiner hook is also made of industrial strength steel making it nearly indestructible.
  • ✔ HIGHEST SAFETY RATING: Not only do we use a premium fabric on the straps we also use the strongest carabiners in the industry. Our design allows up to 1000 lbs per strap + carabiner. For extra safety we also added the screw lock feature to each carabiner.
  • ✔ WORKS WITH ALL SWING TYPES: This strap was designed to be used in many different ways. We love options just like you do. Our tree straps allow fun and relaxation for everyone from senior citizens to small children. Keep in mind some swing types will needs 2 straps. These hangers can be used inside the house also.
  • ✔ NO DAMAGE TO TREES OR YOUR HOME: Because we only use the highest quality materials available in our straps, you don't have to worry about damaging anything you take pride in. Your home matters to you and a healthy earth matters to everyone, you can count on Yarrdee to do our part. Lets have some good clean fun!
  • ✔ 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: In our years of experience we have found the easiest way to do business is follow these simple rules. Use quality materials, have honest pricing, and provide amazing customer service. When these 3 things come together everyone wins. We aren't the typical fly by night Internet Company. We want to build a trusting relationship and provide you with more than just this product in the future. The best way to do this is keep you happy. It really is that simple.

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