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★PRODUCT SIZE: The length of jump rope is 3.3m including handle.Diameter of rope is 6mm.But you can adjust the length of rope freely. Handle length is 16cm and it's diameter is 3.8cm.
★PRODUCT PERFORMANCE: The skipping rope is upgraded version, the buckle is more convenient. There are 4 sections article freeweight iron regulation. No freeweight is 170 grams, 1 section freeweight is 320 grams, 2 sections freeweight is 440 grams. You can choose it's weight freely.Adjust rope length by cutting it in handles.
★PRODUCT PURPOSE: Special bearing design of non winding rope will let the black classic jumping rope be your private fitness expert. As the bearing is precision, high performance and high reliability. It is suitable for all seasons with high density PV rope, elastic moderate, good stability, super wear resistance. The unique design of thick foam on handle makes the grip more comfortable and absorption of perspiration.
★JUMP ROPE FOR THE CROWD: For children: Cultivate their rhythmic and flexibility, and promote coordinated development of left and right brain, let the child's physical and psychological healthier; For adult : Very good aerobic exercise, variety, health and more interesting, rich sports life, shape the body strong and handsome figure, maintain good mood every day.
★WARM TIPS:"Exclusive Customized By Fashion Land"is printed on packaging. Your satisfaction is our priority.