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Deal ends Aug 30.
ZOZOPlus Advantage: 11 years power adapter supply manufacturer, factory sales directly
Worldwide input voltage range: 100-240V; Output: DC 15v, 16v, 18.5v, 19v, 19.5v, 20v, 70w Max. Package includes: 1 x AC adapter, 1 x AC power cord, 10 x DC connectors
ZOZO adapters manufactured with the highest quality materials and include laptop safeguard features against incorrect voltage, short circuit, internal overheating, overloading.100% compatibility with the original
ZOZO power adapters offer warranty 30 Days Money Back Guarantee / 13 Months - Free Exchange (ZOZO pays for shipping) / Please contact us with any questions or concerns
This Adapter works with Acer, Toshiba, HP, Dell, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Gateway, Compaq, IBM, Fujitsu and More Brands; Each Brand laptop has several different kinds of tips for different models. If you are not sure that whether these tips are fitting your laptop, please send your laptop brand and model number to us before buying. We will give suggestions. Any problems, please contact seller before returning it.