Best Buy has Additional $150 off on MacBook® or iMac® coupons for students (not limited to students or .edu addresses, just need to sign up to receive the coupon via email). Also stack-able with sale prices on many Macbook models $100-$350 off:

MacBook Pro with Retina display (Latest Model) - 13.3" Display - 8GB Memory - 512GB Flash Storage w/ $150 off coupon + FS $1549.99

Update: Some people have reported success stacking a $100 and a $150 student coupon, in-store only. Bringing the total price on above machine to $1449.99. However, you need to have been signed up for student deals previously, or get the $100 from someone who was.

Student Coupons (Additional $150 off on MacBook® or iMac®) Link []

All Sale Macbooks ($100-$350 off) Link []

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