Best has select LEGO Dimensions Fun/Team/Level Packs on sale listed below. Save an additional 20% off w/ Best Buy's Gamers Club Unlocked [Info]. Select free in-store pickup to save on shipping, otherwise free shipping on orders $35 or more.

Note, availability for in-store pickup may vary depending on location.LEGO Dimensions Fun Packs $5.99 ($4.79 w/ GCU)The Ghostbusters (Pictured)Dr. Who: CybermanBack to the Future: Doc BrownDC Comics: BaneDC Comics: SupermanDC Comics: AquamanThe Simpsons: BartThe Simpsons: KrustyDC Comics: Wonder WomanDC Comics: CyborgThe Wizard of Oz: Wicked WitchThe LEGO Movie: EmmetThe LEGO Movie: UnikittyThe LEGO Movie: BennyThe LEGO Movie: Bad CopThe Lord of the Rings: LegolasThe Lord of the Rings: GimliThe Lord of the Rings: GollumLEGO Legends of Chima: LavalLEGO Legends of Chima: CraggerLEGO Legends of Chima: ErisLEGO Ninjago: Sensei WuLEGO Ninjago: ZaneLEGO Ninjago: NyaBack to the Future LEGO Dimensions Team Packs $12.50 ($10 w/ GCU)DC Comics: The Joker & Harley QuinnJurassic WorldScooby-Doo!LEGO Ninjago LEGO Dimensions Level Packs $14.99 ($11.99 w/ GCU)GhostbustersDr. WhoPortal 2The SimpsonsBack to the Future No Longer Available:LEGO Dimensions Level Packs $14.99 ($11.99 w/ GCU)Back to the Future

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