Groupon takes up to 96% off a selection of items during its Clearance Sale. (Prices are as marked.) Plus, coupon code "CLEAR20" cuts an additional 20% off. (A maximum discount of $50 applies. This discount doesn't apply to all items in the sale, but it applies to many.) That ties our mention from last week as the best extra discount we've seen on Groupon clearance. Shipping adds $3.99, or bag free shipping on orders of $34.99 or more. Discounted items include jewelry, men's and women's apparel, and snacks. Deal ends March 31. A couple of best bets, with prices after coupon: Spire by Galaxy Men's Bubble Jacket with Detachable Hood for $27.99 ($70 off) Kensie Women's Faux Fur Collar Coat for $35.98 ($209 off)

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