Today at, take an extra 40% off 1 item or 50% off 2 or more items automatically when you add them to your cart. This applies to almost every item sitewide, on top of existing discounts up to 45%. Plus, use promo code 8151A to get $10 off and free shipping on orders totaling $100! The pictured Women's Patch Pocket Scuba Jacket, originally $550, drops from $249.99 to $149.99 to $139.99 automatically in your cart when you buy it alone with the code, and the Men's Bomber Jacket, originally $650, drops from $319.99 to $191.99 to $181.99 when you buy it alone. Buy both items together with the code and they drop to a total of $274.98 for about $980 worth of leather! If you see a $0 price, reload the page for the actual price. Sales tax is charged in most states. Editor's note: Optimize your value by buying a smaller second item like some gloves or the Women's Suede Loafer Slippers, originally $60, which drop to $16.49 as the second item (or $19.79 alone + shipping).

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Wilsons Leather
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