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Deal ends Aug 14.
NO MORE BROKEN WINE BOTTLES! -This Gorgeous set of 3 Wine Trip protectors will Protect your Wine, champagne, liquor, Perfume, olive oil or any other glass bottle. Do not hesitate to bring back any bottle from your trip back home.
ENJOY A SAFE AND DRY LUGGAGE! Keep your suitcase or luggage safe, This Wine protector packs flat, and is ideal for flights and cruises. Avoid the experience of broken bottles and wet clothes.
ECO FRIENDLY & REUSABLE - Wine Trip protector is reusable, eco-friendly, recyclable, leak proof with inner skin .Our special closure will allow you to reuse this product. Light weight, fits perfectly in your suitcase
THE PERFECT GIFT! - Wine lovers will adore it and well travelled business men or women will enjoy this Attractive and cute design , and will be able to use it time and time again.
100% GUARANTEE - This Wine Trip skin protector will make sure your wine will arrive to your home or office in one piece.