• Amazon offers Aptoyu Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser, 120 ml for $15.99 $11.99.
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  • Deal ends Sep 07.

  • Essential Oil Diffuser will power off and stop working after the water uses up. Carry out the power cord from the bottom side of the diffuser can ensure the device stability.
  • Aromatherapy Diffuser Spark Your Kid's Imagination with 7 Changing Mood Lights, each of which is adjustable between Bright and Dim modes, and could be set steady on. Great night light for young children scared of the dark at bedtime.
  • Tap water is the best choice. If the water added over max line, the mist will be very thin(less water, more mist) Please don't touch the internal ultrasonic wave vibration board inside of the water tank directly with your hands. If the ultrasonic wave chip was polluted, it may cause error action or default. It will run for about 8 hours.
  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (NOT INCLUDED) to enjoy wonderful aromas throughout your home. Humidify the air, breathe easier, and relieve cough and sinus congestion due to colds, allergies, and flu. Reduce odors in your house from cigarettes, cooking, and pets.
  • Whisper-Quiet Ultrasonic Operation - humidify your living space to prevent dry, stuffy air and flu/cold germs infecting your loved ones. Prevent dry and chapped skin in dry winter months.

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