Quote from another site that explains the deal "I recently signed up for the mailing list at SierraTrading and apparently they send you coupon codes very, very, frequently. I got one today for 40% off + 0.99 shipping. It doesn't apply to everything but you can filter by things for which it does apply.

I picked up a pair of these goggles for $119 + tax out the door! Lowest price I can find on Amazon for the white version is $173 + tax.

If you check retailmenot they have some coupon codes so you'll have to play with them to see if they work (some are limited use) and what you can get it down to. I tested a 30% off from retailmenot and it worked fine. But maybe others in this forum have a coupon they are not using they can share. The 40% off + 0.99 shipping expires tonight."

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