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Deal ends Aug 23.
NEWEST 12*3W LED GROW LAMP: Higher lumens and safer, aircraft grade heat sink with aluminum fins dissipate heat 1.5 times more efficiently than previous Par 38 series.
60 DEGREE BEAM ANGLE: Expands illumination area without sacrificing the lighting intensity
FREE STANDARD E27 SOCKET: No need to buy socket again. TaoTronics thinks for you and takes care of you in every detail and all the way through
A FULL PACKAGE OF BENEFITS: Compared to traditional HID, HPS, and T5 grow lights, TaoTronics LED Grow Light stands out in terms of energy utilization, heat dissipation, and perfect temperature for photosynthesis, cutting back your power bill and fees on extra cooling equipment.
PURE GREEN FOR MINI GREENHOUSE: Green color blends in your plants, eco-friendly LED light bulb contains no mercury, heavy metals, or harmful gases; enjoy green lighting for a greener carbon footprint