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Deal ends Aug 19.
MyLifeUNIT heavy duty lemon and lime squeezer, made from high-quality aluminum alloy and steel which gives it a long life and prevents rusting. The Premium quality of lemon and lime squeezer makes sure that the handle doesn't bend when squeezing large lemons. Using the durable aluminum alloy construction to deliver maximum pressure.
No matter if you choose to squeeze lemons, limes or blood oranges, this Lemon Squeezer will make your job so easy. This Squeezer is so convenient to use and with an effortless squeeze you can get every bit of juice out of the fruit.
Extra Large Bowl can handle whole lemon and lime, put it all in, single press and done!
No need to slice the fruit in half anymore! Simply press the lever to extract the every dip of fruit juice out
Heavy duty design, suitble for business use as citrus press