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Deal ends Aug 28.
NEW GENERATION CHARGER. This wireless charger compatible with Qi-enabled devices. It charges your cell phone without plugging a wire into your phone, which better protects your phone from damage due to over-plug-in-and-out.
QUICK CHARGING. Up to 5V-2A input and 5V-1.5A output, this wireless charger charges your devices in a high efficient. It takes only 3 hours to fully charge Galaxy S6.
SAFETY GUARANTEE. Adopted sophisticated technologies, this wireless charger provides over-voltage, under-voltage, short-circuit protection to ensure safety for your cell phone.
DISTINCTIVE DESIGN. This ultra-thin wireless charger is with unique UFO profile and anti-slippery rubber design. Made of advanced ABS and Acrylic Crystal which is solid and sturdy enough to resist abrasion, corrosion, collision.
1 YEAR WARRANTY. 45 days money-back and 12-month, worry-free Guarantee!