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Deal ends Sep 07.
Made by 100% Polyester
The Pantone Color Refernce: PANTONE16-1731TPG.
Each curtain panel has 6 Vintage Copper grommets. Inside Diameter of each grommet is 1.6'' and 2.3'' for outside diameter, so it will accommodate up to 1.5'' rod.
Dry clean/ Machine Washable/ Mild liquid laundry detergent/ Avoid hot water and bleach/ Warm iron as desired. Sold individually and multiple colors and sizes are available for your purchase.
The panel features microfiber fabric and hangs with stylish grommets,These curtains are brushed for added softness and helps to block unwanted, exterior light, reduce noise, and save energy to create the ultimate sleep envIronment, helps darken rooms and provides additional privacy, Nursing for Nightshift workers.
The digital images we display have the most accurate color possible. However, due to differences in computer monitors, we cannot be responsible for variations in color between the actual product and your screen.