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Deal ends Sep 08.
USES REGULAR AAA BATTERIES! No more buying expensive, specialty batteries for your E collar. Now it is easy to always have backup batteries on hand! BATTERIES INCLUDED!
SEPARATE BUTTONS FOR EACH CORRECTION! Separate Color Coded Buttons for Collar Tone, Vibration and Shock Corrections. Vibration and Shock have 16 Different Correction Levels.
GET UP TO 300 YARDS RANGE! Plus, able to Train up to Two Dogs with One Remote! Simply Buy an Additional Collar to Train Two Dogs at Once!
GREAT FOR LARGE, MEDIUM AND SMALL DOGS! Nylon collar with easy snap buckle closure can fit neck sizes from 7" all the way up to 27". Alsocomes with two sets of probes for dogs with long or short coats.
BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! LIFETIME MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY PLUS 90 DAY MONEY BACK SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! Superior Customer Service, along with our No Hassle, LIFETIME MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY, make the buying decision an easy one. We are so sure you will love our collar that we will return your entire purchase price for 90 days if you are not completely satisfied! (Warranty and Money Back Guarantee only apply to purchases directly from Lobo Commander) See below for details.