Target Stores (link for reference) offer Forza Motorsport 6 (Xbox One)for $39.99 - 35% Cartwheel coupon savings = $25.99. Follow the instructions below to redeem. [Store Locator]
  1. Click here to view availability at your local store (click "find in a store" on product page to view)
  2. Sign in or sign up for Target Cartwheel Savings by signing in with Target Email, Facebook, Google or Downloading Cartwheel App
    • For those logging in with Facebook, Target Email, or Google:
      1. Click here to log in
      2. After page opens, under offers, select "entertainment"
      3. Once that page opens, select Video Games from the drop down for the offer "35% off Forza Motorsport 6 (Xbox One)"
      4. Click "Add"
      5. Click upper right button that looks like bar code (will have a "1" next to it)
      6. Click upper right button that says "Print Barcode"
      7. Barcode will print
      8. Present barcode to cashier at checkout
      9. Price will be $39.99 - 35% off w/ Printable Coupon = $25.99
    • Also redeemable via Cartwheel App (cashier can scan phone at register)
      • App is available for iOS or Android
        1. While in app, search for "Forza Motorsport 6"
        2. Select the offer "35% Off Forza Motorsport 6 (Xbox One)" then click "Add" to add offer to your account.
        3. Now search for your coupon under "My barcode" which may be found under menu off app. It will bring up a QR Code which will be scanned by cashier at the register.
        4. Price will be $39.99 - 35% off w/ QR Code = $25.99

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