Kohls.com has stackable discounts for Discover Card Holders who are also Kohl's Card Holders when you follow the instructions below.
  1. Discover Card Holders log into your account at Discover
  2. Go to Rewards Tab
  3. Click Discover Deals
  4. Enter Kohls in search field (Note: Do not choose "Kohls Online", choose "Kohls")
  5. Find $10 off $30 offer and click "View Deal" (eligibility may vary)
  6. Note the barcode and 4 digit pin
  7. Go to Kohls.com
  8. Add $30 of merchandise to cart
  9. Proceed to checkout
  10. Enter barcode and pin for $10 off $30 retrieved at Discover (will apply to your total as Kohl's Cash)
  11. Enter Kohl's Cardholder 30% Off promo code BBQ30 and free shipping promo code JUNESHIP

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