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Deal ends Sep 01.
Enjoy an impressively crystal clear sound quality and robust bass realized through two highly powerful total 6W acoustic drivers - outclassing other similar-sized portable speakers.
Unrivalled 15 to 20-hour playtime powered by a built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery and a charging time of just 3 hours. Outstanding connection range of up to 30 feet. Built-in microphone with a 2-feet pickup range allows the speaker to double as a speaker phone.
Automatically connect to the last-connected device when turned on enables one-step music streaming. Compatible with all Bluetooth-enabled devices (2.1 and over). 3.5mm audio port for non-Bluetooth devices.
Latest Bluetooth 4.1 Technology is engineered to work seamlessly and cooperatively with the latest generation cellular technologies like LTE. It makes the reconnection time interval flexible and variable and can transfer bulk data at high speed and brings you smooth music experience.
Package contents: Mosiso Portable Bluetooth Speaker, USB charging cable, 3.5mm auxiliary cable, support stand, rechargeable battery, instruction manual. 12-month warranty and free lifetime technical support.