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Deal ends Aug 17.
Our Resistance Bands Set with sets of 4 different resistance levels. Each band is premium grade latex rubber designed to meet your specific resistance needs. These exercise bands are useful for pull-up training, and for adding resistance to bench press, squats and helping hand getting back up
These versatile heavy power bands anyone can get behind , whether you're a man or a woman, fitness professional or newbie fitness buff for physical therapy, rehabilitation, pull-ups, stretching, strength training, power lifting and etc
If you fit lightweight training, the Red band(15 to 35 lbs) and Black band(25 to 65 lbs) will great for you. If you like heavy training, the Purple band(35 to 85 lbs) and Green band((35 to 85 lbs) is suitable for you. Different training phases can choose different heavy level
Set of 4 heavy level so you have a variety of training methods. These resistance bands set allows you to do sets where you start with the thicker band and then add the thinner band to squeeze out a few additional reps. As your strength gradually increases, you can switch from double bands to the thicker band and then the thinner band alone
Our weight training bands are made from 100% pure natural latex that can be used as your home gym tools or free weights. Beneficial for Sports and Fitness, Explosive Movements, Strength Training, Pregnant Woman and Mothers After Birth, Rehab After Injury, Injury Prevention, and People Who Are Just Starting To Work Out