Ends in 04h 46m 47s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $89.99 FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . Don't know how youngsters are able to do this easily let alone, an adult. I'm willing for the time being concede to the fact, it's me and I have a learning curve. You can't even use the camera or Wi-Fi it to your phone and they do not tell you about this until after you get it and you try to hook it up to your phone so I paid $80 for just a... Nice thanks. I LOVE THIS THING!!! Took me awhile to finally get it to work right, no complaints, well built, easy to control and I love the camera function.. Camera did not work. Big Brother turned fifty three and drained his sunken swimming pool; he has been having a great time flying your craft where the water was in his pool, thank you! The Drone has potential, but fine tuning it to be stable and to control it and making it turn and make forward and backward movements is extremely difficult. Great for a first drone. Easy to fly. I would suggest buying additional batteries. this was difficult to control and i ended up losing it in the woodline as a result. had high hopes for this product. This is a great drone for the price. After purchasing another drone that broke within days of first flying it, this drone is still going. It is easy to assemble and easy to fly.
Deal ends Mar 29.
HEADLESS MODE: Usually, the forward direction of a flying multi-rotor is the same as the nose direction, by using Headless, the forward direction has nothing to do with nose direction, the direction will be the same as your remote controller; Charging time: about 120 minutes (USB Charging)
3D SPLIT SCREEN DISPLAY: Compatible with 3D VR HEADSET on MJX FPV APP, use your own VR HEADSET (NOT INCLUDED) to see the world in a different way
FPV REAL TIME TRANSMISSION: Connect your phone with the drone and the view will be shown directly on your phone, thus enjoy the world above the horizon
HIGH CAPACITY BATTERY: Control the X400W drone from 100 meters away and with the high capacity volume battery, you can fly your drone up to 8-9 minutes, for More Accessories, search ASIN --- Motors: B01D1I3WDE, Blades: B01D1I7280 Batteries: B01D1HUO3G B01D1HN4JW
ONE KEY 3D ROLL: With the latest technology of 6-Axis Gyro flying control system, it can fly very stable and take better pictures and it can finish the 3D roll with one key, it is very easy to use even for the beginner