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Deal ends Sep 07.
Total board dimensions: 16 x 16 x 1 inches (Large) (please verify that dimensions fit your needs before purchasing), Individual board square size: 1.78 x 1.78 in, Playable game area: 14.2 x 14.2 in, Full set weight with pieces: 2.1 pounds
King height: 2.8 in, King base diameter: 0.9 in, King weight: 0.4 ounces, Pawn height: 1.4 in, Pawn base diameter: 0.75 in, Pawn weight: 0.1 oz
Chess piece type : Wood in dark brown and light brown, padded felt bottom
Board type: Inlaid Walnut and Maple wood (wood grown in USA from eco-friendly sources), folding case with interior storage for chess pieces, ranks and files (numbers and letters) on side
Comes with board, complete set of 32 pieces, and instructions