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Deal ends Aug 14.
WITH TIMER FUNCTION! Turn it on, it lights up for 6 hours and then turns off for 18 hours in 24 hour cycle, save the trouble to turn it on and off every day
LASTS LONGER AND BATTERY INCLUDED! Sustains the cycle up to 12 days continuously on 1 piece CR2032 (included)
WORRY FREE! Smoke-free, drip-less, flame-less and child and pet friendly, safe to use at any venue or event
FLAME-LIKE FLICKERING LIGHT! Size 1.4 X 1.6 inches which fits in any candle holder; great to set romantic ambiance, used as night light
HASSLE-FREE GRANTEE! All Peng's Led tea light are made with high quality material and technology to enhance performance. We back each and every one with a hassle-free, 45 days