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Features-The MeasuPro Digital Timer and Clock has an easy to read display with large digits. Includes four timer channels in one compact unit. You can select the 12 hour or 24 hour switch in the back of the clock to choose a format. The go-anywhere timer has a magnetic piece for sticking to the refrigerator, a clip for a pocket or apron, and a stand for setting on the counter.
Functions- The memory function allows you to retrieve the last countdown. From a countdown mode, once the timer hits zero it begins counting up, so you know how much time has elapsed just in case you miss the ring. The Start / Stop button will allow you to stop and restart.
About- MeasuPro perfects each product from its superior functionalities to contemporary product designs. This mechanical clock / timer offers multiple features that are each optimized to assist you better. The timing capacity is 23 hours / 59 minutes / 59 seconds.
Includes- This electronic clock / timer is powered by two LR44 batteries. The four timer buttons are displayed on the screen in a way that will make it easy to program a time. Multi-tasking and being on top your game will be so much easier with this sleek clock/timer. The extra loud alarm will alert you when the countdown is up.
Dimensions- This clock / timer measures 71 x 21 x 60 mm and the LCD display screen measures 49 x 21 mm. Manual is included.