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Deal ends Aug 22.
EcoSave Coffee Filter Combo contains 2 reusable k cups and 2 k carafes, so you can satisfy four different tastes at once.
COMPATIBLE WITH KEURIG 2.0 - K200, K250, K300, K350, K360, K400, K450, K460, K500, K550, K560. The Carafe 2.0 brews all Carafe sizes: 2-3 cups, 3-4 cups, 4-5 cups (16-30oz) and The K cup 2.0 brews single cups of coffee from 4-10oz and Travel mug sizes 12-16oz.
Made from 100% BPA and Lead Free material. Silicone O-Ring to prevent premature seal deterioration. Flat bottom keep the refillable device in pace during filling to prevent accidental spills.
Can be used for Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate just to name a few. You can control the strength of your brew by filling to your desired consistency.
Designed to protect the environment by reducing the number of one time use K-Cups in the garbage and ultimately, the landfill.