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Deal ends Aug 15.
★ ENJOY EVERY SINGLE SIP OF YOUR FAVORITE DRINK ~ With soon to be, your set of whiskey rocks every drink stays away from being diluted by ice in your glasses. ~ If you drink Whiskey (American and Irish producers), Whisky (Canadian, Scottish, Japanese producers), Non Alcohol Drinks, Vodka, Wine, Cocktails etc. ~ YOUR LAST SIP WILL ALWAYS BE AS PERFECT AS THE FIRST.
★ EASY TO STORE, NO MESS ~ Simple storage comes with a hand crafted WOODEN box and a FREE carrying velvet pouch with the logo embroidered. ~ This extraordinary wooden box provides one more BENEFIT: It is such an awesome DECORATION in every home.
★ BE UNIQUE, EVEN WHILE CHOOSING A GIFT ~ Do you want to give a gift which will be unique and MEMORABLE for a life time and upgrade your gift to "Top-Shelf"? ~ These elegant whiskey stones by Amerigo will definitely make your present UNFORGETTABLE!
★ NO MATTER YOUR AGE OR YOUR GENDER! YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! ~ As a gift these high quality Premium Whiskey ice cubes / stone by Amerigo are an ideal option for your husband, wife, fiancé, friends, parents etc. Give them a special gift set that is easy to use, and most importantly unforgettable! ~ Or just satisfy yourself! ~ A FEW GREAT GIFT IDEAS: Christmas, Father´s Day, Birthday, Valentines Day, Retirement Gifts, Anniversary, College Graduation, Promotion!
★ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ~ We are a small family business and we DO believe in quality of our products. ~ We offer a 90-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE with no Questions asked. ~ And if that´s not enough. ~ You get a 101-year REPLACEMENT WARRANTY just FOR YOU.