• Amazon offers Cyberlink PowerDirector 14 Ultimate for $74.86 $49.99.
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  • Hundreds of Amazing Effects -PowerDirector includes over 500 effects, including animated themes, title effects, transitions, animated particles and PiP objects. Users can customize and control realistic non-linear motion for PiP objects and titles, and add new opening and ending effects.
  • Premium 3rd Party Pro Effects -Video editing plug-ins can stimulate and save time. PowerDirector supports plug-ins from leading designers NewBlue, Pixelan and proDAD, and comes with over US$900 worth of premium effects and templates that provide a huge variety of creative options for video editors.
  • World's Fastest Rendering -TrueVelocity 5 leverages hardware and software technologies to speed up video processing and outperform all others. TrueVelocity is optimized for modern CPU and GPGPU hardware platforms from Intel, AMD and NVIDIA to maximize memory allocation and usage.
  • Extreme Toolkit for Sports Video -The all new Action Camera Center brings together the ultra-powered features action enthusiasts need to create high impact videos. Use it to stabilize shaky action video, correct fish-eye distortion, and fix color problems. You can also apply slow motion effects, or freeze & zoom to footage highlights.
  • Capture, Create, Produce -PowerDirector Ultimate offers a combination of high-end performance and features found in pro-level software, wrapped in an easy-to-use interface. PowerDirector's customizable design tools and premium plug-ins are running on the world's fastest video rendering engine, while the new Action Camera center provides all the tools needed by action sports enthusiasts.

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