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Deal ends Aug 14.
This clothing is suitable for running visibility, construction work, walking the dogs, travelling and riding your bicycle thus ensuring you go out at night with peace of mind that you will be seen on the roadside
When runners will own this, they will love how the front access quick-clip makes it easy to put on and adjust; The vest is lightweight and doesn't slip, move around nor interfere with their jog; There is no velcro so it will not ruin a tee or tank; They'll be able to go out for their run quickly eliminating the inconvenience of LED lights that need unplanned battery changes or having to carry a flashlight!
Backed by our complete satisfaction guarantee; We will issue you a full refund if our product does not meet your expectations.
Never be invisible again thanks to the high visibility yellow straps which are also great for your automobile emergency kit supplies; They deliver the best glow security from a car, motorcycle or other vehicle because of the 360-degree reflection and visibility
Built for women and men; Waist adjusts from 25 to 38 inches, shoulder adjusts from 15 to 23 inches; Can be worn over a t-shirt, fitness gear, cold weather clothing or a backpack; The one size fits all makes it suitable for all family members; The adjustable straps allow a snug fit but still provide a full range of motion when running, biking and other sporting activities