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Deal ends May 23.
Works will all cellular mobile phones, tablets, phablets, laptops, PC's and CPU's, Radios and speakers, other wireless devices.
USB Ports work for any cellular devices such as Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge, S6 Edge+, Galaxy Note 5. Use your original OEM USB charging cord cable or Stalion Stable Series USB to charge your iPhone 6, 6s, 7 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 5/5s/5c; iPad Mini 2 3 4/ iPad Air 2 3/ iPad 2 3 4/ iPad Pro, Apple Watch, iPod Touch, Apple MacBooks.
Plug in any home or office accessories devices such as Land Line Telephones, Printers, Mobile Hotspots, Wifi Routers, Cable Boxes, Monitors, Smart TV's and LCD Screens, any other audio or video sets.
Any Networking equipment, Servers, Cameras, Blu-Ray Players, Video Gaming Systems and Consoles.
Warranty: 24 Months warranty, 24 x 7 email support.