• Amazon offers Salt and Pepper Grinders,Spice Grinder with Adjustable Coarseness,Brushed Stainless Steel Salt and Pepper Mill Pai for $16.99 $12.44.
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  • Deal ends Aug 11.

  • SUPERIOR CERAMIC GRINDER: Our brushed stainless steel salt and pepper shaker set feature an adjustable ceramic grinder allows you to finely crush, mill and grind your spices to perfection.
  • CHOOSE YOUR SPICE: Though our grinder set may be designed for salt & pepper, you also have the option of using Peppercorn, Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, cloves and more.
  • CONTEMPORARY DESIGN: Our unique salt & pepper shakers are not only beautiful, this particular grinder set features a stainless steel top and a contemporary glass body for aesthetics and functionality.
  • Crafted using food-grade stainless steel and a premium ceramic grinder, our spice grinders can help you distribute the right amount of salt, pepper, peppercorn, sea salt, Himalayan Salt, cloves or any other spice with perfect accuracy.
  • Easy to refill and clean

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