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Deal ends Aug 12.
PRO COMPETITION CUBE -D-FantiX MoYu AoLong V2 3x3x3 Speed Cube stickerless Enhanced Edition .Speedup your solving time without any effort. Look no further than this amazing 3x3 speed cube
PRE-LUBED & TENSIONED - Crafted with eco-friendly ABS material. Super-durable and stickerless version require no stickers which means no peeling off or fade. Come pre-lubricated and tensioned. This Moyu speed cube 3x3 is ready to go
BEST CUBE EVER? - Moyu Aolong V2 is the enhanced version of V1, it has an all new mechanism with faster movement, amazing corner cutting and zero pops .Tension adjustable. It doesn't corner twist as often nor does it lock up. Good control of the cube .It definitely turns much better than my other speed cubes. One of the best 3x3x3 speed cube in the world
PUZZLE TIME - The aim is to twist and turn the 3x3 puzzle cube to return it to its original state, with every side having one solid color. This 3x3 magic cube can foster your kid's sense of space and enhance a child's memory. Keep your kids away from the TV / ipad. This puzzle provides hours of fun
ULTIMATE GIFT - No one falls out of love with the stickerless 3x3 cube. Perfect Christmas / Birthday Gift for kids. They are always awesome and will never go out of style. Just Add to your cart now!