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Deal ends Aug 13.
Quantity = 12 bags in total. The package included 4 of 70cm x 50cm (27.6" x 19.7'' ), 3 of 80cm x 60cm(31.5'' x 23.6'') , 3 of 105cm x70cm(41.3'' x 27.6'') and 2 of 110cm x90cm (43.3'' x 35.4'').
Ideal for sweaters, jackets, pillows, blankets, coats, shirts and other bulky items
Long life, antibacterial, waterproof, mothproof, dustproof
Easy to store in the attic/loft, on top of wardrobe, under bed, garage or suitcases.
The bags are a versatile space saving solution for wardrobes, cupboards, attics and suitcases or under the bed - reducing the volume of your stored items by up to 75%.