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★ THE PERFECT WRITING EXPERIENCE: - Write your ideas down in style, Never miss the opportunity to capture your thought, sketches, doodles, daily tasks and goals, or anything else you need to write down. The Amazing Office - Tree Of life Journal offers a unique style, functional design, and quality workmanship so you can capture your creative thoughts.
★ EASY TO USE: The small size is easy to carry and will take up a small space on your desk or on the go and with the 200 pages (counting both sides approximate) of white lined paper, you can use any pen. pencil or crayon to take notes, make drawings, or capture your inspired ideas.
★ ORGANIZE: Your thoughts, goals and ideas on your life's journey in this beautifully crafted journal.
★ CRUELTY FREE: Made from Faux Leather, so no animals were harmed in manufacturing of this journal.
★ 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you don't LOVE this journal, Send It Back for a Full Refund, No Questions Asked! We here at The Amazing Office want to make your journaling experience the best it can be and stand 100% behind our products