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Deal ends Aug 15.
Designed in Britain to best combine elegance, comfort and convenience. Chelsea minimalist wallet is made of luxurious top grain genuine Italian leather, which is both soft and durable, ensuring a sophisticated feel and look.
Our RFID blocking insulation prevents electronic pickpocketing; your credit cards in the inner pocket of the wallet are protected from RFID theft (specifically 13.56 MHz RFID / NFC standard)
Chelsea's three pockets hold up to 12 cards: 1-2 in the front pocket, up to 6 in the inner RFID protected pocket and up to 4 cards in the back pocket. The slim wallet is ideal for carrying business cards, credit and debit cards, driver's license etc.
The smart strap allows you to quickly access your cards. The strap automatically retracts back into position when released.
We trust that you will enjoy our product so all of our wallets come with a 6 Month Warrantee