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Deal ends Aug 24.
Creat Fantastic Environment: G40 patio lights cast a warm white glow completely changed the mood, the environment, the togetherness,look fantastic and certainly helped bring everyone to their moment of peace for back yard friend,family gathering, wedding area and completely changed the atmosphere of the place.
Proper Light: The garden lighting is warm and inviting. These give off just the right amount of lighting for our patio. They're not too bright to harsh on the eyes, and give off just enough light to see and shine at night, also not disturb neighbors.
Considerable Caxle Design: And the bulb sockets are wired in parallel, which means if one bulb burns out, the others stay lit.
Easy Installation: you can easily grasp the whole bulb in your hand, hanging and tear-down only in several minutes.
Safty and Stable: They are only slightly warm to the touch after a long time.But UL Listed for Indoor & Outdoor Use. Connect up to max. of 3 strands