PROTECT HOME: See Live HD Video Streaming of your home 24/7 and get instant Smart Alerts on your phone when something unexpected happens
USAGE: Watch over KIDS arriving home from school, talk to PETS home alone or check on HOME while on vacation-- all from your phone
FREE CLOUD RECORDING & STORAGE: Replay, download or share recorded video for 24hrs from your private cloud-- even if your camera is stolen your data is safe.
60-SEC SETUP: "Easiest setup, EVER. Love it!.. it was so amazingly easy compared to all other webcams and IP cameras I've ever used (and I have owned and used over a dozen of them over the past 20 years)." Connor- Amazon Customer
PERSONAL DAILY SUMMARY: The only camera with 30-second video summary of the last 24hrs. It's your Day Brief created on-demand.
WIRELESS MOBILITY & CHARGING: Use Circle off the charging ring (up to 12hrs) as needed to watch over the kids downstairs or upstairs.

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