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Deal ends Aug 27.
DIFFUSER NECKLACE - exquisite essential oil diffuser necklace with locket pendant for aromatherapy. Made of 316L surgical grade stainless steel, hypoallergenic, doesn't tarnish and easy to clean.
AROMATHERAPY BENEFITS - designed to reduce stress and promote tranquility and relaxation.
PERFECT GIFT BOX - includes a 30 inch stainless steel chain, aromatherapy locket with magnetic closure and 3 refill pads for oil in black, pink and white. The diffuser necklace is packed in a beautiful box, ready to give away as a gift for any special occasion.
EASY TO USE - just place a couple of drops of your preferred essential oil on the pad, place inside the locket and close. The double magnetic closure assures you'll enjoy the aromatherapy benefits of the oil, without it touching your skin or your clothes.
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - if you are not absolutely happy with your purchase, you could return it for a refund within 30 days of purchase.