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Deal ends Aug 18.
DATA THIEVES SKIM & STEAL IN SECONDS - PROTECT YOURSELF :: Don't leave financial information exposed inside your pocket, purse or briefcase for cheap electronic readers to copy. Use our RFID Sleeve set to keep your private information safe on 13.56 MHz cards such as credit cards, drivers license, passports and more.
AVOID A COSTLY CREDIT CARD DISASTER :: Carry your passport and credit cards securely inside our credit card protector sleeves and feel confident knowing you won't have to deal with identity theft, fraudulent transactions, canceling cards and other headaches. It's better to be safe than sorry!
STOP CRIMINALS HIJACKING YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS :: Travel safely knowing your personal information is secure. No need to worry, when your credit cards and passport are inside the RFID Vault sleeves, your information is kept safe and secure.
FAST & EASY TO USE :: Enjoy instant peace of mind. Simply insert your ID and credit cards into our credit card protector sleeves (1 card per sleeve). Traveling? Keep your passport in the passport protector and you're ready to travel safely.
100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEE :: Every customer gains automatic access to our top level Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If you're not satisfied, simply contact us and we will give you your money back. Take advantage and try our RFID credit card holder with zero risk.