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Deal ends Aug 14.
Stylish and Modern Design: Crafted from synthetic leather and finished with a special scarf, this handbag essential includes a top magnet closure and refined hardware.
Milti-ways of Carrying: Dual carrying style only add to its glamorous and versatile demeanor, it will carry you from work to weekend.
Large Capacity: A roomy capacity makes our handbag the conventience, must-have carryall of the season. Interior features 1 zip pocket and 2 slip pockets.
Convenient Size: Dimension (21.3 x 1.2 x 11.4 inches), Handles (8.2 inches). Comfortably holds an 14" laptop, iPad 3, iPad Mini etc.
For a handbag that will translate stylishly from day to dark, look no further than our Hynes Victory Beach Tote.