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Deal ends Aug 13.
✔ PRODUCT DIMENSIONS - 200LED string lights total length 72ft ; 6.6ft lead circuit ; 0.3ft between 2 blubs.(Note:This string lights is not a star shape, the picture is only the creative photography)
✔ UPGRADED - Increased to 1800mAh Ni-MH rechargeable battery to provide longer working times & Larger solar panels(3.5*2.5 inch) AND 2V 320mAh power, Larger area exposed to sunlight, more efficient power conversion.
✔ AUTOMATICALLY - Put under sunshine charge 8 hours, and it begins to light up at night automatically when power on.
✔ FUNCTION - With 2 switches. One is modes switch(Steady On / Flashing), the other is POWER ON/OFF. Waterproof Level IP44 can withstand all kinds of weather, including heavy rain and snow.
✔ FREE BONUS - We provide wire clip pack (10-Clip) for hanging on our beautiful string lights.Let the wire arrang more neatly. You can check picture to see how to install.