• Amazon offers RAVPower 6700mAh power bank for $14.99 $9.99.
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  • Deal ends Sep 05.

  • ★ 2X FASTER CHARGER ★: 2A input can save half of the time to fully charge the 6700mAh portable charger ( please use a 2A or higher output charger); 2.4A output makes it charge other devices 2X faster than other chargers. The maximum input and output for the fastest and strongest charging experience.
  • ★ EXCLUSIVE ISMART TECHNOLOGY ★: Charge faster and smarter than others, automatically detects and delivers the optimal charging current for any connected device- ensuring the fastest and most efficient charge.
  • ★ COMPACT BODY, AMAZING CAPACITY★: Fitting in the palm of your hand, get two full charges for iPhone 6, or more than one charge for large phones like 6 Plus, Note 4, etc
  • ★ UNIQUE DESIGN ★: Made with an ergonomic design that is carefully matched with a gorgeous metal shell that will transform you into a style icon, while 4 status LEDs keep you informed of remaining capacity.
  • ★ SAFETY PROTECTION ★: Ultra reliable A+ Lithium-Ion battery with over 500 battery charge cycles; short-circuit and over-current protection. This battery pack will automatic shutdown if a short circuit or overload output occurred while unit is charging.

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