Ends in 04h 57m 23s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $9.97 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Thank you! Wonderful cooling towel for Florida weather! I purchased it for my 2 daughters that play softball to try out, IT works!! my husband will love this on his long cycling trips, or mowing the yard in the hot sun, great easter gift for the guy who has just about everything! Works amazing! I cant believe how cool it is once you whip it around! Will definitely buy another soon for summer! Love Its a good product. This is very neat towel. I am looking forward to using it this summer. Worked well the first few times I used it, but after washing it, it seems to lose its mojo. Such a simple concept but works wonders. Instant cooling relief whenever I need it. I have anhidrosis, and I don't sweat. Working out has always been very hazardous for me because of the risk of heat exhaustion (which I have had twice, not fun). I can not give you a comment at this time, I bought these for my daughter and her husband living in St John VI, it is so hot there and I wanted to send them your product.
Deal ends Apr 02.
★ A DIFFERENT WAY TO STAY COOL – We’ve taken what we already know about staying cool, and changed things up a bit! The Chill Pal Mesh Cooling Towel utilizes a thinner, comfy, and amazingly breathable design to keep you cool! So to all you golfers, runners, hikers, and more: beat the heat anytime with Chill Pal!
★ SIMPLE TO USE – It’s easy: soak, wring out, give it a quick “snap” with a flick of the wrist, and enjoy! When it’s about staying cool and beating the heat, nothing beats our fantastic Mesh Cooling Towel. Better still, it comes with it’s very own carry pouch for easy transport.
★ BIGGER AND BETTER – With more overall area, you’ll have more evaporative power to work with. Simply put, you get to stay cooler even in the longest of summer days! Worry less about keeping cool, and enjoy actually being cool, with Chill Pal!
★ WHY MESH? – It’s soft, comfortable, and light on the skin. What’s more, our built in evaporative technology keeps the cloth colder longer than the rest. Best of all, our “dry-soft” mesh design makes it easy to fold down, and a snap to pack away.
★ NO WORRIES – We stand firmly by our product, and are here no matter what. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, all you have to do is let us know, and from refund to replacement, we’ve got you covered!