• Amazon offers Homestarry® Mini Battery String Lights -66 Warm White Led's on a Flexible Silver Wire 16 Ft - Perfect for Accenting Your Bedrooms, Livingroom ,Patio or an Intimate Environment Anywhere in the Home.you Can Use the Remote Control Regulate the String Light - 40000 Hours 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! for $9.75 $5.95.
  • Ends in 05h 12m 45s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $9.75 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Uses 4 atrands to light up a popup art gallery. These lights are AWESOME!! Product came broken. Extremely cheap plastic battery box came broken. Not what I expected at all These are great lights! - I've used different kinds of mini lights for a variety of projects, but these are by far the best. they are fun to work with. I don't use all the features of the remote. Only one button and the on and off. But they are fairly bright for what they are. Works great! Fast shipment, love it! Worked great for backlighting this custom metal sign my hubby made. Search Amazon for JASS GRAPHIX see all his cool custom items I am super pleased with this but. At first I was fairly nervous, I was looking for something that could go around my apartment balcony to give it that homey twinkle (I know,... I hab very old set of tights. I just new I needed to buy a new set of lights and ta da I found these lights on Amazon. They look GREAT. I even bought a set for my food friend. These are fantastic and easy to use. I love having them hang in my room at night-- just bright enough for watching tv and you can turn them up to read with if they are close to...
  • Deal ends Mar 27.

  • UPDATED VERSION: Since 2013, Homestarry has developed into one of the most popular brands in decorative lights category.
  • TOUNGH STRANDS: Ultra thin but tough, bendable but sturdy silver wire, and invisible in all places.
  • IP44 WATERPROOF: Waterproof feature works for all parts and in all conditions, avoid placing the battery pack under water can make it more endurable.
  • VERSITILE USE: Decorative lights for indoors or outdoors: patio, garden, bedroom, kitchen, backyard.
  • 8 LIGHTS MODES AND TIMER FUNCTIONS: There are 8 options of lighting modes and 10 levels of brightness can be chose; The timer will keep 6 hours on 18 hours off automatically once activated

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