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Deal ends Aug 20.
OVERSIZED CARRIER: Fits 40oz wide-mouth Hydro Flasks, 40oz Yeti Ramblers, 40oz Lifeline FiftyFifty, Thermoflasks and other similar sized water bottles.
LARGE FRONT POCKET: Fits iPhone 6 (and similar sized phones), credit cards, keys, and other essentials - perfect for the gym, hike, or stroll around the park.
LONG ADJUSTABLE STRAP: Nylon strap is a comfortable 1 inch width, and extends from 27 to 54 inches, making it an ideal length for carrying across the body for both adults and kids.
PROTECTIVE NEOPRENE FABRIC: Protect your expensive flasks from minor dents and scratches. Keep your flasks safe with this stylish carrier that appeals to everyone!
Also available in 18, 24, 32, and 64 oz sizes. Designed with Aloha in Hawaii.