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Deal ends Aug 26.
This durable, single piece brewer is built with 18/8 (SUS304) stainless steel and requires no paper filters, saving your wallet and the environment. No paper also means you enjoy more of the aromas, oils, and nutrients in your coffee.
The base of the dripper is just under 4 inches, allowing it to fit on top of most coffee mugs, carafes or thermoses. It is also light weight and compact enough to use when you travel, whether it be on vacation in a hotel or while camping, hiking or enjoying other outdoor activities.
The cone design of this coffee maker helps you get the most flavor out of each cup of coffee and allows for easy cleaning. Simply dump the left over grinds and wash with warm soapy water or place it in the dishwasher. The scoop and bag clamp is also great for measuring your coffee and keeping the beans in the bag fresh.
Buy from Rohst Coffee Co. with confidence. We know our product quality and gladly offer you a 100% money back guarantee. Buy now and enjoy your coffee!