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Deal ends Aug 24.
*High quality & Moldable shape-This flexible copper wire is energy saving and sturdy. It is thin and flexible and coiled with paper tub so it will never make a mess.
*Cost effective and energy efficient-Comes with a compact battery pack (about 1" x 2") with ON / OFF switch, pretty easy to hide and makes any application flawless. Requires 2pcs CR2032 Batteries per string (INCLUDED).
*Brightness-These Best 30 pcs SMD 0603 LEDs, tiny Micro mini miniature LED Battery Operated String Lights Lamp are perfect for use as a lighting addition to any decorative project.
*Perfect for any occasion-This LED Starry String lights is of Ultra Bright White Warm Color Micro LEDs that creates a light fairy twinkle effect. It's the perfect decoration option for all kinds of occasions.
*Satisfactory guarantee-Kohree stands behind all of its products 100%. These lights come with a 12 month warranty. If you received broken or defective lights, please contact us Kohree any time, we will compensate you with free replacement or full refund.