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Deal ends Aug 14.
Stress-free, hassle-free, convenient way to pack and store clothes in luggage for travel! 5Pc variety set to fit most luggage types & sizes. Enjoy your relaxing trips and vacations.
Versatile: 4 inch deep storage to pack and store most clothing items such as shirts, dresses, jeans, pants, jackets, underwear, bras & more. Perfect for single or family use - fit everything securely.
Breathable: Mesh inserts to ensure clothes can breathe within luggage. Fresh clothes, avoid musty packing smells. Made of ultra-lightweight nylon fabric - avoid overweight luggage fees.
Includes a multi-purpose drawstring bag to separate shoes or dirty laundry and protect from oders. Keep soiled clothing separated and secure when travelling home.
Included: XL Packing Bag 17.2 x 12.7 x 4in, 1x Large Packing Bag 13.7x 12.7 x 4in, 1x Medium Packing Bag 13.7 x 9.7 x 4in, 1x Small Packing Bag 6.7 x 11 x 4in, 1x Shoe/Laundry Drawstring Bag 14 x 19.3in.