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Deal ends Aug 12.
AVAILABLE IN 150 COUNTRIES: Workable in over 150 Countries; USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, China, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand,Ireland, Hong Kong, India, Singapore,
This Charger Adapter Plug Converts the Power Outlet Only, It Does Not Convert Electrical Output Current and Voltage
CHARGE MULTI DEVICES AT THE SAME TIME:Dual USB Ports allows for charging of USB devices.Well the AC power socket can work for other device. Convenient and without mess.
COMPETIBLE WITH ALL KINDS OF DIGITAL PRODUCTS : World Adapter Plug competible with almost all USB Devices like, Apple, Samsung, Sony, Blackberry, HTC, Lenovo, LG, ZTE, Huawei, and so on.
WORLD ADAPTER PLUG - does NOT convert power, please check that the device you wish to use is compatible with the electrical supply you are plugging into. This device is not suitable for Hairdryers, Flattening/Curling Irons, Water Heaters and other high power electrical appliances