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Deal ends Aug 22.
EXCELLENT VARIETY: This set includes three flat palette knives in a perfect range of sizes, so you'll always have the right knife when you need it. No more need to rush out in the middle of a project to buy yet another knife.
DURABLE EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP: World-renowned Japanese quality lets you stop worrying about knives that break, snap off the handle, or fall apart, so you can focus on your art instead. High-grade stainless steel blades are seated deep inside the wooden handles for long-lasting problem-free use.
VERSATILE: Ideal for spreading, mixing and pre-mixing paint, scumbling, smoothing, smudging, or impasto. Use them for perfect results with paint, gesso, modeling paste, texture gels, putty, or wood fillers.
PERFECT FOR EVERYONE: This set works great for professionals, art students, and beginners. Get it for the performance and reliability that serious artists crave, or give it to someone who is taking an art class or enjoys arts and crafts as a hobby.
ORDER TODAY WITH A NO-HASSLE 1-YEAR GUARANTEE: When you order now, your satisfaction is guaranteed, no questions asked -- you risk absolutely nothing. Quantities of this set are limited, so click the Add To Cart button right away and stop wasting your money on cheap disposable knives.