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Ultra bright 40 Lumen 2 LED light: When motion is detected, 0.3 W LED ultra-bright bulb will light up automatically with 40 Lumen brightness. In standby mode, 0.1 W LED will stay lighted up with warm white light.
No hassle of finding electrical supply: Mount the Solar Motion Sensor Light at any bright spot on the wall and let its New and IMPROVED Mono-crystal solar panel 5V charged up a Pre-Installed Rechargeable 3.2V 600Mah Battery. Totally no need for power cord connection!
High sensitivity in motion detection: With it perfect PIR up to 5 meters and 90 degrees detection range vertically and horizontally, you can count on it to detect motion that comes close to it very efficiently.
Long hours of usage: 0.1 W LED lights can standby for 8 hour on Full Charge by the solar panel placed under direct sunlight.