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Deal ends Aug 20.
Set of 12 unscented, votive flameless candles. Dia. 1.5"x1.9" Height. Build in 6-hour on/18-hour off timer. The candles turn on and off automatically every day
LED Candles With IC-controlled Soft Flickering and Glowing Like Real Candles. For indoor and outdoor use. Can be used in hot weather/under the sun, but not designed for wet weather
No smoke, no mess, no wax spills, no danger, safe around the home, children and pets.
Unique Still-On technology to save energy consumption. Approx. 400 hours battery time, one of the longest battery life votives you can find in the market. Requires 1 x CR2032 Battery per candle (included)
Suitable for anniversary, marriage proposal, outdoor candlelit banquets, promotional products, hotels, bars, home decoration, church, Christmas